How to Put Lights on a Christmas Tree

How to Put Lights on a Christmas Tree

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The Christmas tree is the most recognizable symbol of the Christmas holidays. Every idealistic Christmas vision involves the family around a beautifully decorated tree, wrapped up warm, with mounds of shiny presents just waiting to be opened.

There's no reason why you can't recreate that vision in your own home this Christmas. An eye catching Christmas tree isn't hard to achieve, as long as you put a bit of time and effort into it. In fact, decorating the Christmas tree is the perfect way to spend time as a family in the run-up to Christmas festivities.

Before you can put lights on a Christmas tree, make sure you choose a green, healthy tree. Freshly cut the stump before setting it up in it's stand with a good supply of water. Artificial trees will need 'fluffing up' before decorating. You can easily do this by pulling out the branches and ruffling the needles. It's best to preen your tree before putting on the lights, as it's easier and less likely to break any bulbs.

LED fairy lights are available in many different colors, including multi-colored. It's down to your color scheme and personal taste as to which color you choose. However, plain, white lights are ideal for use with any color decorations and therefore the most practical choice. When reusing old Christmas lights, check that all the bulbs work before putting them on the tree. Repair any breakages with spare bulbs.

Once you know your lights are in good working order, you're ready to put lights on a Christmas tree. Depending on the size and shape of your tree, you may choose to start dressing the tree from the top or the bottom. If you're only using one string of lights, begin from the top and work your way down. As real Christmas trees tend to be larger than artificial ones, you will need more lights to decorate these well. For a completely lit up tree, you should have 100 lights for every foot of height.

An extension cable will help you to cover your tree in lights. Attach a green extension cable to the trunk of the tree using twine. This will allow you to plug all your different strands of Christmas lights in to an extension controlled by a single switch. Remember that depth is just as important as height. Start in the middle of the tree, working your way out.

To create a truly spectacular tree, take care to wind your lights around the branches. Get right into the middle of your tree to really light it up. Keeping the arrangement even, work your way around and down the tree. Remember to step back frequently to check how it looks. Switch the lights on for this, if they weren't on already, as it will make it easy to see how evenly the lights are spread. It's much easier to alter the arrangement of the lights as you go, rather than have to unravel what you have done to fix a section of the tree you've missed.

As you arrange the Christmas lights on the tree, take care to make sure the wire doesn't show. Avoid this by not stretching the lights, but wrapping them. The end result will be worth the extra time spent on perfecting the tree.

Of course, a Christmas tree with just lights looks unfinished. Always put the lights on first. Once these are done, you can add garlands and ornaments to whatever style suits your taste. Don't feel you have to stick to traditional colors or icons. With careful thought and color coordination, just about anything can be pulled off these days. Why not have a white artificial tree with pink and silver decorations? Or try using gold, spray painted pine cones to a dark green tree to add a bit of home made glamor?

Your Christmas tree should reflect your individual style, as well as complement the room around it. Involve the whole family in decorating the tree. You can always go back and rearrange the ornaments slightly when the kids are in bed. Decorating the Christmas tree is the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit and spend time as a family. Encourage your kids to be creative and most of all, have fun yourself!

To achieve the idealistic Christmas tree, remember the basic rules. Use plenty of lights, arrange them evenly over the height and the depth of the tree and wind rather than drape. For a bit of extra twinkle, buy Christmas lights with motion settings. Choose to have your lights fade in and out, chase each other or simply sparkle. Finally, remember to sit back and admire all your hard work. After all, it's only Christmas once a year.

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